Inhalation of gas mixture with 11% of oxygen by women athletes at different phases of menstrual cycle was simulated using mathematical model of the functional respiratory system. As initial data we used the data of lung and alveolar ventilation, gas composition of exhaled and alveolar air, minute volume of blood, characteristics of blood oxygen; these data were obtained by measurements at different phases of menstrual cycle. Parameters of economy, intensity, efficiency of organism oxygen regimes, parameters of hypoxic state and respiratory function of blood were calculated. These data were taken further for the mathematical model of respiratory gases mass transfer; the model
simulated the inhalation of gas mixture with 11% oxygen in different phases of menstrual cycle of women athletes. The minute blood volumes, tissue blood flows, partial pressures and oxygen tension in the alveolar space, arterial and mixed venous blood in brain, in heart tissue, in skeletal muscles and in tissues of other organs were calculated
as well. Our results demonstrated the specificity of women athletes’ functional self-regulation by calculations on mathematical model of their functional respiratory system reactions on hypoxic mixtures inspiration. Therefore, we also demonstrated women athletes’ adaptive capacities to hypoxia under the hormonal status cyclic changes at different phases of menstrual cycle. Preliminary studies demonstrated that in conditions of hypoxia caused by breathing of gas mixture with 11% oxygen without compensatory increase in pulmonary and systemic circulatory ventilation, the oxygen tension in organism tissues may be lower than critical level and with varying degrees in different phases of menstrual cycle. Obtained results demonstrate the necessity of further study of athletes’ organisms’ individual reactions at hypoxia conditions for scientific substantiation of sports training for women taking into account biological characteristics of their organisms.
Aralova N.I. Parameters of Athlete Respiratory System Dependence on Organism Hormonal Status during Hypoxic Mixtures Inhalation: Research on Mathematical Models / N.I. Aralova, О. М. Klyuchko, L.Ya.-G. Shakhlina // SciFed Journal of Sports Medicine. – 2018. – № 1(2). – Р. 1 – 11.