The Olympic Games are a grandiose phenomenon, one of the most stable
and significant cultural traditions in human history. The Olympic Games, which
began in Ancient Greece, have survived thousands of years, becoming a fact of
global importance that occupies an extremely essential place in world culture.
The Olympic legacy is not a story set in stone. It is a living spirit that is passed
down from generation to generation, inspiring achievement, uniting people of
different cultures and nations. It is the embodiment of strength, courage, fair
play and the pursuit of excellence, leaving its mark not only on the sports arenas,
but also in the hearts of millions.
The International Olympic Committee, together with UNESCO, carries out
a great deal of work to promote the cultural heritage of the Olympic movement
through various projects, initiatives and educational programs aimed at uniting
sports, culture and education. Particular attention is paid to the preservation
and presentation of artifacts, documents and symbols related to the history
of the Olympic Games. After all, it is the Olympic memorabilia, which unites
Olympic medals, awards, diplomas, posters, mascots, torches and many other
things that are significant witnesses of the Games, that reflects the evolution of
the Olympic movement, and also embodies the unification of people of different
nations around common values such as peace, friendship and equality.
The pages of the book “Memorabilia in Olympic Culture and Heritage”
contain valuable educational information that serves as a kind of bridge between the past and the present, connecting the time being with the historical
heritage of the Olympic Games. Undoubtedly, this bright book, imbued with
the Olympic spirit, will become an integral part of Olympic education and will
enrich the arsenal of the Olympic legacy.