Olympic Movement in Ukraine: History and Modernity

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dc.contributor.author Bubka S.
dc.contributor.author Bulatova M.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-24T16:23:37Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-24T16:23:37Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.isbn 978-966-2419-36-8
dc.description Olympic Movement in Ukraine: History and Modernity : monograph / S. Bubka, M. Bulatova etc. ; ed. by S. Bubka, M. Bulatova. Kyiv, 2021. 304 p. UDC: 796.032:930.85(477) uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The publication offers an excursion into the origins of the Olympic competitions in the pro-Ukrainian territories and study the formation and development of Olympic sports in Ukraine. The monograph chronologically tells about the progress of the Olympic movement in the Ukrainian lands. It highlights a special contribution of Ukrainian public figures to the national and international Olympic movement and provides information on participation of the Ukrainian athletes in the Olympic Games. A particular attention is paid to the landmark Olympic events that took place in the Ukrainian territory (the First All-Russian Olympiad, the 1980 Games of the XXII Olympiad). A distinctive feature of the monograph is the organic combination of the text with numerous pictures and Olympic symbols, which significantly illustrate the material and allow the reader to plunge into the time of the described events. The monograph is intended for children and youth, specialists in physical education, sports and education, a wide range of readers interested in the history of Olympic sports. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher National Olympic Committee of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.subject Olympic competitions uk_UA
dc.subject Olympic sports uk_UA
dc.subject Olympic movement uk_UA
dc.subject Olympic Games uk_UA
dc.subject monograph uk_UA
dc.subject Ukrainian athletes uk_UA
dc.subject Olympic symbols uk_UA
dc.subject history of Olympic sports uk_UA
dc.subject Олімпійські ігри uk_UA
dc.subject олімпійський рух uk_UA
dc.subject історія олімпійського руху uk_UA
dc.title Olympic Movement in Ukraine: History and Modernity uk_UA
dc.type Monograph uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://reposit.uni-sport.edu.ua/handle/787878787/5882

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