This article describes possible practical applications of Artificial Intelligence on the tertiary educational level both from the staff and students’ perspectives on the basis of experience gained by universities worldwide. AI usage in higher education field is analyzed on the basis of correlation between participants of educational process and the areas of innovative software application. Advantages of AI use are outlined on institutional, social and instructional levels. AI proves to be a growing and promising tool for facilitating educational processes, having obvious benefits for the education-givers and seekers, including the institutional possibilities of streamline enrollment and improved retention, organizational guidance and support of students on campus as well as educational opportunities such as better recourses management and successful online training process. Additionally, ethical considerations are raised, regarding use of AI, data management and privacy.
Lukianets H, Lukianets T. Promises and perils of the tertiary educational level / H. Lukianets, T. Lukianets // Міжнародний науковий журнал «Грааль науки» : матеріали V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Globalization of scientific knowledge: international cooperation and integration of sciences» ( Вінниця, 17 березня, 2023 р.). - Вінниця, 2023. - №25. - С. 306 -311.