Короткий опис(реферат):
Coordination of motions, level of spatial and temporal exactness of motions, fineness of differentiation of muscular efforts, vestibular stability, speed of reactions, the level of developing physical flairs and possibilities of their realization is made basis of preparedness of high class sportsmen in such types of sport as billiards. The criteria of development level estimation of different types of coordination capabilities are worked out for the high class sportsmen in sport games (as an example - billiards), and also the most meaningful components of coordination capabilities are certain for these types of sport. Often, high-class athletes who specialize in one type of billiards, take part in tournaments for other types of billiards. Even high results achieve with a change in specialization: Pool, Snooker, Carom, Pyramide, BlackBall or Chinese Pool, this is not surprising, because in all the games of billiards technical and tactical elements are sufficiently similar. What distinguishes the types of billiards, these are the rules of games and equipment.
The change of one equipment to an absolutely different one with its effective use requires the manifestation of a high level of coordination qualities of the athlete.
Бібліографічний опис:
Nagorna V. Differentiation of muscular effort during stroke of high level billiard players on surfaces with different friction coefficients / V. Nagorna, A. Mytko, O. Borysova // Актуальні проблеми фізичної культури, спорту, фізичної терапії та ерготерапії: біомеханічні, психофізіологічні та метрологічні аспекти: матер. 1-ї Всеукр. електр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнародною участю [Інтернет], 17 травня 2018 р. - Київ: НУФВСУ, 2018. - С. 49-50.