Objective: To investigate and determine the indicators of the movable and sensory functions in persons with the firearm wounds of the upper limb in the combination with peripheral nerves damage and to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed program of physical therapy in this pathology during the period of recoverness.Materials and methods: The investigation was based on the clinical and neurological examination
of 76 men with firearm wounds of the forearm and the hand brush in the combination with peripheral nerves damage. The patients were arbitrarily divided into 2 groups: the main group (38 people) and the control group (38 people). The duration after the combat trauma was from 6 to 18 months. The age of the surveyed ranged from 18 to 52 years, averaging 33.8 ± 6.7 years. 82.3% of patients had a partial lesion of the peripheral nerves,
17.7% of the persons had a complete lesion. For men of the main group there was a comprehensive program of physical therapy after surgical treatment of the firearm wounds of the forearm and the hand brush in the combination with peripheral nerves damage of the upper limb was developed and implemented, which included the use of kinesitherapy, elements of reflexology (method of application, Lyapko,M.G., 1997, 2005) massage by
the method of Efimenko, P.B. (2013); procedures of manual therapy according to the method of Gubenko, V.P. (2006) and mechanotherapy by the method of Popadyukha, Yu.A. (2018).Results: The introduction of a physical therapy program was contributed to a positive changes in the functional parameters of men with bones fractures of the forearm and the hand brush, combined with peripheral nerves injuries. Conclusions: The tools of physical therapy contributed to the regression of pain, increased the range of motion and muscle strength, improved the movable and sensory function of the injured limb.
Bismak, H. The Dynamics of the Functional Indicators of the Upper Limb with Firearm Wounds of the Forearm and the Hand Brush in the Combination with Peripheral Nerves Damage / Helen Bismak, Nataliia Shestopal // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. ─ 2020. ─ Vol. 20. ─ Р. 298-307.