To determine the asymmetry coefficient of qualified dancers. Materials:The study involved 84 dancers of various qualifications of18-35 years of age, who were divided into 2 groups for identifying individual features: 1) highly skilled-44 athletes (6-honoured masters of sports; 12-masters of sports of international class; 26-masters of sports of Ukraine); 2) athletes of first adult category-40 athletes. Becausethe study was focusedondance couples, an equal number of men and women wasrepresented in the sample. The study was conducted on the basis of the sport dance club "Supadance" atthe National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Research on the brain asymmetry of qualified athletes using dance sport as an example / O. Spesyvykh, G. Lopatenko, O. Polianychko, A. Vorobiova, L. Lytvynchuk, S. Salnykova // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2019. - № 19(4). - Р. 1418-1423.