In article on the basis of studying, the analysis and ordering of Internet resources it is established that now there is no information on the operating sportsmen-bodybuilders of high quali' cation representing Ukraine at large competitions, necessity of working out of the database containing the information on highly skilled sportsmen-bodybuilders is proved, and also the software product “Athlete” is presented, in which basis the database containing the information about anthopometrical and miotonometrical indicators of outstanding athletes of the past and operating sportsmen-bodybuilders of high quali' cation lies.
Усиченко В. В. Досвід використання баз даних при розробці комп'ютерної програми "Атлет" для спортсменів, які спеціалізуються з бодібілдингу. / В. В. Усиченко, Н. Г. Бишевець // Теорія і методика фізичного виховання і спорту. - 2010. - № 3. - С. 67-70.