Assessment of the Quality of Active Family Leisure

Показать сокращенную информацию Maltsev, Dmytro Andrieieva, Olena Kashuba, Vitalii Yarmak, Olena Dobrodub, Evgeniia Grygus, Igor Prusik, Krzysztof
dc.contributor.illustrator 2024-01-10T10:34:03Z 2024-01-10T10:34:03Z 2022-08-23
dc.description Assessment of the Quality of Active Family Leisure / Dmytro Maltsev, Olena Andrieieva, Vitalii Kashuba, Olena Yarmak, Evgeniia Dobrodub, Igor Grygus , Krzysztof Prusik // Physical Education Theory and Methodology. ─ 2022. ─ Vol. 22, Num. 3. ─ Р. 386-392. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The study was aimed at assessing the quality of active family leisure and identifying motivations for and interests in health-enhancing and recreational physical activity of parents and children. Materials and methods. The study involved 106 families. A set of generally accepted research methods was used including theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature as well as domestic and international practical experience related to family leisure; sociological methods (questionnaire surveys), and mathematical statistics methods. Results. The questionnaire survey provided an opportunity to identify priority areas of joint physical activity of children and parents and to assess the quality of family well-being and active family leisure. The attitude of parents to winter types of recreation in the organization of active leisure was identified. According to the survey data, 9.4% of the families had a high level, 59.4% had an average level, 30.3% had a satisfactory level, and 0.9% had an unsatisfactory level of family well-being. The vast majority of respondents (45.2%) believed that their family members had a satisfactory level of physical activity, 40.6% of families reported they had an average level, only 10.4% indicated they had a high level, and 3.8% said they had an unsatisfactory level. Among the surveyed families, 63.2% indicated an average level of satisfaction with family leisure, 29.2% rated their leisure as satisfactory, and the remaining 3.8% indicated an excellent or unsatisfactory level.Conclusions. The focus was on identifying prevailing motivations, which contribute to the optimization of the family leisure process and the degree of activity when using recreational technologies. The obtained results indicate a significant potential for expanding physical activity of families with children, including through the use of winter recreation. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Physical Education Theory and Methodology uk_UA
dc.subject health-enhancing physical activity uk_UA
dc.subject family well-being uk_UA
dc.subject active leisure uk_UA
dc.title Assessment of the Quality of Active Family Leisure uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Оцінка якості активного сімейного відпочинку uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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