Короткий опис(реферат):
Combating malignant brain neoplasms is among the major health care challenges in Ukraine, with high relevance of this issue stemming from its constantly increasing incidence rate, difficulties with timely diagnosis, high costs and complexity of treatment,
and increased rates of patient disability and mortality. Introduction of up-to-date surgical
intervention methods contributes to a significantly improved prognosis of treatment and encourages the development of comprehensive rehabilitation methods for patients with this nosology, among which a certain role is to be played by physical therapy measures.
Бібліографічний опис:
Hunts, V. D. Modern view of physical therapy in people with intracranial brain tumors in the postoperative period = Сучасний погляд на фізичну терапію у людей з внутрішньочерепними пухлинами мозку в післяопераційному періоді / V. D. Hunts, R. O. Bannikova // Sworld Journal. ─ 2022. ─ № 16. ─ Р. 63-69.