The impact of mobilization protocols on the length of postoperative hospitalization among cardiac surgery patients

Показать сокращенную информацию Вітомський, ВВ Лазарева, ОБ Дорошенко, ЕЮ Вітомська, МВ Коваленко, ТМ Герцик, АМ Гаврелюк, СВ 2022-05-11T19:17:19Z 2022-05-11T19:17:19Z 2021-04
dc.description The impact of mobilization protocols on the length of postoperative hospitalization among cardiac surgery patients / В. В. Витомский, Е. Б. Лазарева, Э. Ю. Дорошенко, М. В. Витомская, Т. Н. Коваленко, А. М. Герцик, С. В. Гаврелюк // Запорожский медицинский журнал. – 2021. - Том 23. - № 2. – С. 259-265. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Materials and methods. Participants–adult patients of 2018–2019 with less than 24-hour artificial lung ventilation (ALV). The first group were treated according to the early mobilization protocol (EM, patients of 2018); the second group were treated according to the EEM protocol (patients of 2019). Design: a retrospective analysis. Settings: cardiosurgical unit. Interventions: the major difference is that the resources of patient mobilization team have expanded since 2019, namely it included a physical therapist, which made it possible to modify the EM protocol (standing on the 2 postoperative day (POD), activation with the help of medical staff, respiratory exercise) to the EEM protocol (standing on the 1 POD following consultation with an anesthesiologist, exercises with a physical therapist, respiratory exercise). The main outcomes: LICU, LPOU and total postoperative hospitalization (LTPO)(number of nights). Results. There were no differences between the EEM and EM groups in LICU (3 (2; 4) vs. 2 (2; 4); P= 0.182), LPOU (7 (6; 10) vs. 8 (6; 10); P= 0.118), LTPO (10 (8; 13) vs. 10 (9; 13); P= 0.308). Correlation analysis revealed absence, weak and very weak relations between the LICU, LPOU, LTPO indicators and other criteria, including age, ejection fraction, ALV. Conclusions. The effectiveness of the EEM protocol seems doubtful to reduce LICU, LPOU, and LTPO as compared to the EM protocol. The obtained results also raise the importance of physical therapist time management. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Запорожский медицинский журнал uk_UA
dc.subject exercise therapy uk_UA
dc.subject mobilization uk_UA
dc.subject cardiac surgery uk_UA
dc.subject фізична терапія uk_UA
dc.subject терапевтичні вправи uk_UA
dc.subject мобілізація uk_UA
dc.subject серцева хірургія uk_UA
dc.title The impact of mobilization protocols on the length of postoperative hospitalization among cardiac surgery patients uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Вплив протоколів мобілізації на тривалість післяопераційної госпіталізації кардіохірургічних пацієнтів uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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