Global and Local Fitness Trends in 2020

Показать сокращенную информацию Vorobiova Anastasiia Vasylenko Maryna Yurchenko Oleksandr Kovalova, Nataliia Ieremenko Natalia Khurtyk Dmytro
dc.contributor.illustrator 2021-09-27T11:50:56Z 2021-09-27T11:50:56Z 2021-06
dc.description Global and local fitness trends in 2020 / Anastasiia Vorobiova, Maryna Vasylenko, Oleksandr Yurchenko, Nataliia Kovalova, Natalia Ieremenko, Dmytro Khurtyk // Gazzetta Medica Italiana-Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. – 2021. – Vol. 180. – №. 6. – P. 295-300. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The fitness industry is one of the fastest growing spheres with quick-paced fashion on different kinds of fitness. Fitness centers or clubs, as well as fitness trainers, to stay competitive should know about new tendencies and even predict them. To help them researchers from different countries are conducting surveys to find fitness trends for the next year. In 2019 more regions join to research. The research is based on the analysis of sources of literature and experts thoughts. In the worldwide survey took part 3037 specialists from more than 40 countries; in the European - 1001 specialists from 40 countries; and in Spanish survey - 513 specialists from Spain. Comparison of the worldwide, European and Spanish trends-2020 made it possible to find as similar tendencies, as well as differences between these regions. About 55% of trends are similar for all these areas, but each have own unique trends. For the worldwide fitness trends-2020 unique is lifestyle medicine; for Europe, boutique fitness studios, and clinical integration/medical fitness; for Spain, multidisciplinary working teams, exercises for prevention of and recovery from injuries, seeking new market niches, pregnancy/postnatal training. Ranking of top-20 trends is different in every region. For example, wearable technology - the trend, which is on the first place of worldwide survey, but on the 18th place in Europe and on the 21st position in Spain. Worldwide survey shows the whole picture, but national researches could specify it, due to the reason, that researchers add to proposed list of trends specific fitness directions, which could be popular in country and rename some trends to make them more understandable for fitness professionals. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Gazzetta Medica Italiana-Archivio per le Scienze Mediche uk_UA
dc.subject рухова активність uk_UA
dc.subject здоровий спосіб життя uk_UA
dc.subject здоров'я uk_UA
dc.subject фітнес uk_UA
dc.title Global and Local Fitness Trends in 2020 uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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