Короткий опис(реферат):
Varnaliy Z.S. considered entrepreneurship as a special type of management, where the entrepreneur rationally combines the factors of production on an innovative basis and personal responsibility, organizes and manages production in order to generate income Today, quite progressive and financially profitable for entrepreneurs form of educational process in various fields are courses, the material of which has a narrow specialization. Especially relevant is the possibility of using such training material in online courses in the current problem of quarantine. An urgent problem in the development of innovative educational programs in the field of sports, in particular in the pool, has led to the formation of demand for this product around the world. That is why it is logical to join specialized courses with the activities of an international organization that provides status and advertises products.
Бібліографічний опис:
The educational programs for billiard coaches in Europian countries / V. Skvortsov, I. Skorokhodova, A. Mytko, V. Nagorna M. Baic // Спорт та сучасне суспільство : Матеріали ХІІІ Міжнар. студентської конф. [Збірка матеріалів Комплексних міжнародних заходів «Студентська наука в сфері фізичної культури і спорту: сучасні тренди», присвячених 90-річчю Національного університету фізичного виховання і спорту України], 03 квітня 2020. - Ч. І. - К., 2020. - С. 12-19.