Health Status and Morbidity of Children 11-14 Years of Age During School

Show simple item record Andrieieva O. Hakman A.
dc.contributor.illustrator 2019-11-06T09:33:33Z 2019-11-06T09:33:33Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Andrieieva, O. Health Status and Morbidity of Children 11-14 Years of Age During School / O. Andrieieva, A. Hakman // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. – 2018. – V. 18. – P. 1231 – 1236. uk_UA
dc.description Andrieieva, O. Health Status and Morbidity of Children 11-14 Years of Age During School / O. Andrieieva, A. Hakman // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. – 2018. – V. 18. – P. 1231 – 1236. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The aim of the study was to investigate the dynamics of health status and morbidity of children aged 11-14 years during school year. In this study, the following methods were used: methods for assessing somatic health, data extraction from medical records, methods for the assessment of morbidity, and methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 176 children at 11 to 14 years of age. Results: The health status and indicators of morbidity were assessed. There was found a high morbidity rate with a predominance of acute respiratory viral infections and respiratory diseases. Most of the children had low and lower than average health levels. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Journal of Physical Education and Sport uk_UA
dc.subject physical activity uk_UA
dc.subject health level uk_UA
dc.subject school children uk_UA
dc.subject morbidity uk_UA
dc.subject adolescents uk_UA
dc.title Health Status and Morbidity of Children 11-14 Years of Age During School uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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