Перегляд по темі "artificial intelligence"

Перегляд по темі "artificial intelligence"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Нагорна В. О.; Митько А. О.; Борисова О. В.; Шляпнікова І.; Жигайлова Л. В. (Спортивна наука та здоров'я людини, 2024)
    The examination of sports science literature and expert assessments unveils predominant trends in the utilization of innovative technologies in elite sports, with a particular emphasis on the widespread adoption of ...
  • Нагорна В. О.; Митько А. О.; Борисова О. В.; Потоп В.; Петренко Г. В.; Жигайлова Л. В.; Фольварочний І. В.; Lorenzetti S. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 2024)
    Our analysis of sports science literature and expert assessments has revealed the prevailing trends in the utilization of innovative technologies in elite sports. Wearable technology, encompassing fitness trackers, heart ...
  • Priymak, Serhiy; Krutsevich, Tatiana; Pangelova, Natalia; Trachuk, Sergii; Kravchenko, Tetiana; Stepanenko, Volodymyr; Ruban, Vladyslav (Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2020-01)
    Quantitative assessment of the functional support of sports activities, as a reflection of the systematic approach, allows to identify the features of the body of athletes, to plan the training process and possible deviations ...