Просмотр по автору "Opanasiuk Nataliia"

Просмотр по автору "Opanasiuk Nataliia"

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  • Prokopenko Olha; Rusavska Valentyna; Maliar Nelia; Tvelina Alisa; Opanasiuk Nataliia; Aldankova Halyna (International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 2020-05-30)
    Sports tourism is an independent and socially oriented sphere, a way of life of a large part of society. Sports tourism, for its purposes, can have different orientations: sports, cognitive, educational, research, ...
  • Opanasiuk Nataliia (Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Accounting, Auditing, Analysis and Taxation in Ukraine: Current State and Development Prospects, 2016-12-14)
    The article deals with the problems of taxation of services in tourism tourism with value added tax. The relevant norms of the Tax Code of Ukraine, as well as the practice of the European Union on this issue, are analyzed. ...
  • Okhrimenko Alla; Babushko Svitlana; Opanasiuk Nataliia; Охріменко Алла; Бабушко Світлана; Опанасюк Наталія (Global Imperatives for Business and Law Development : International Scientific-Practical Conference, 2019-10-10)
    The article is devoted to the research of public management of the national tourism system (NTS), which is a component of the national economy. It has been found that, as a complex, multi-structural and determining entity ...
  • Opanasiuk Nataliia; Okhrimenko Alla (Integration of Business Structures: Strategies and Technologies, 2017-02-24)
    The article deals with the problems of strategic development of the national tourism system of Ukraine. Definitive description of the concept "national tourism system" is given, the evolution of its introduction into ...