Перегляд по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Tymoshenko Yuriy (International journal of economics and society, 2015)
    The condition and development of physical culture and sport in the USSR in intermilitary period are researched. Attention is applied on the paradigmal orientation of physical culture, actually – on its of military direction. ...
  • Kogut I. A.; Marynych V. L. (Физическое воспитание студентов, 2016)
    Conclusions: the ways of health related physical culture work with students’ organization are the following: students’ trainings in sports circles, in youth clubs and additional education establishments of physical ...
  • Kohut Iryna; Borysova Olha; Marynych Viktoriia; Chebanova Kateryna; Filimonova Natalia; Кropyvnytska Теtiana; Krasnianskiy Kyrylo (Sport Mont, 2021)
    Physical education and sports for people with disabilities are the areas of physical and social rehabilitation. The implementation of this can be possible through the use of an inclusive approach in the training process ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Dutchak Myroslav; Usychenko Vitaly; Lavrenchuk Marina; Ponomarenko Anastasia; Yarmolenko Maksym; Michuda Yuriy (Sport Mont, 2021-09-01)
    The article analyses the modern trends of world golf. The experience of national golf federations of the world's leading countries, interviews with golf experts assisted (29 participants in the survey: including 8 representa ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Dutchak Myroslav; Usychenko Vitaly; Lavrenchuk Marina; Ponomarenko Anastasia; Yarmolenko Maksym; Michuda Yuriy (Sport Mont, 2021-09-01)
    The article analyses the modern trends of world golf. The experience of national golf federations of the world's leading countries, interviews with golf experts assisted (29 participants in the survey: including 8 ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Dutchak Myroslav; Usychenko Vitaly; Lavrenchuk Marina; Ponomarenko Anastasia; Yarmolenko Maksym; Michuda Yuriy (Sport Mont, 2021)
    The article analyses the modern trends of world golf. The experience of national golf federations of the world's leading countries, interviews with golf experts assisted (29 participants in the survey: including 8 representa- ...
  • Кулаєва, З. А. (Міжнародний періодичний науковий журнал № 24, т. 2, грудень 2022, IndexCoper-nicuc, GooleScholar, 2022-12)
    The system analysis of the learning process considers the problem of activating the activity of students in the educational process through programming, control of independent work and the creation of motivation through ...
  • Aralova N. I.; Klyuchko О. M.; Shakhlina L.Ya.-G. (SciFed Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018)
    Inhalation of gas mixture with 11% of oxygen by women athletes at different phases of menstrual cycle was simulated using mathematical model of the functional respiratory system. As initial data we used the data of lung ...
  • Shestopalova I.O. (Проблеми модернізації України, 2019)
    The article is devoted to the problem of development of private education, along with the improvement of its state form, which is an objective process and one of the leading world trends associated with such tendencies as ...
  • Chernozub A.; Danylchenko S.; Imas Y.; Коchinа M.; Ieremenko N.; Korobeynikov G.; Korobeynikova L.; Potop V.; Cynarski W. J.; Gorashchenco A. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Purpose: to identify the optimal load parameters in the process of power training of Mixed Martial Arts athletes with a wrestling style on the basis of studying adaptive and compensatory body reactions in conditions of ...
  • Andrieieva O.; Hakman A.; Balatska L.; Moseychuk Y.; Vaskan I.; Kljus O. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017)
    The goal of this research is to determine the structure and amount of physical activity for 11-14-yearold children during curricular and extracurricular hours. Research data: the research involves 252 fifth to ninth grade ...
  • Гончаренко Євген ("Sport, Stress, Adaptation". Olympic Sport and Sport for All, 2010)
  • Podliesna Hanna; Bazela Dmytro; Bilash Olha; Vyshotravka Liudmyla; Khotsianovska Liudmyla; Perova Hanna (Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2022)
    Recently, the prevailing trend is that graduates do not work in their profession; the purpose of the article is to study ways to improve the effectiveness of social and professional self-determination of students. The ...
  • Drozdovska, Svitlana; Andrieieva, Olena; Yarmak, Olena; Blagii, Oleksandra (Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 2020)
    The study was focused on the substantiation of a personalized approach to designing health-promoting exercise programs for young women based on the genetic factors. To achieve the defined objectives the following methods ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Yakovenko Olena; Byshevets Natalia; Stepanenko Olga; Lykholay Anzhelika (Інноваційні та інформаційні технології у фізичній культурі, спорті, фізичній терапії та ерготерапії, 2019-04-18)
    The rapid development of information technology, their total entry into human life inevitably creates new challenges and, at the same time, opens the horizons of new opportunities for the educational industry. Accordingly, ...
  • Лях-Породько Олексій; Мірошниченко Богдан (Фізичне виховання, спорт і культура здоров’я у сучасному суспільстві, 2017)
    Thematic justification. The Ukrainian Sokil movement in the emigration has become one of the unifying factors of Ukrainian people. Ideology, conservation of traditions, language and culture, high level of organizational ...
  • Жукова Галина; Zhukova Galina (Вісник ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2020)
    У статті розглядається позаакадемічна освіта як напрям розвитку соціокультурного досвіду, який відбувається поза педагогічно організованим процесом. Свобода пізнавальної діяльності людини, розширення кола її захоплень, ...
  • Kashuba V.; Andrieieva O.; Goncharova N.; Kyrychenko V.; Karp I.; Lopatskyi S.; Kolos M. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    The aim of the study was to assess the impact of physical activity on the prevention and treatment of postural abnormalities in young women. In this study, the following methods were used: sociological methods; pedagogical ...
  • Імас Євгеній; Шинкарук Оксана; Денисова Лоліта; Усиченко Віталій; Костюкевич Віктор (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018)
    The article deals with the problem of the relationship between human health and information technologies, the violation of the somatic and mental population health, due to informational and psychoemotional stresses. A ...
  • Andrieieva, Olena; Yarmak, Olena; Blystiv, Taras; Khrypko, Inna; Bobrenko, Svitlana; Dudnyk, Oleksandr; Petrachkov, Oleksandr; Kolosovska, Vladlena; Kirichenko, Vitaliy (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2021)
    The study was aimed at identifying the structure of relationships between the psychological and morphological state of overweight and obese women under conditions of quarantine restrictions related to COVID-19 pandemic. ...