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  • Babak Svitlana; Karnaukh Tetiana (2020-02-29)
    У наш час люди часто мають скарги на погане самопочуття, млявість, втому, погіршення працездатності, тривожність. За даними Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я, четверта частина населення Землі заражена кишковими ...
  • Andrieieva O.; Galan Y.; Hakman A.; Holovach I. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017)
    Purpose: to work out and scientifically substantiate the program of trainings with application of ecological tourism means for primary school pupils, oriented on pupils’ ecological culture formation and increase of their ...
  • Шинкарук Оксана; Денисова Лоліта (Фізична активність і якість життя людини, 2017)
    Is to analyze existing approaches to the assessment of the quality of human life and to summarize international experience.To assess the quality of life of the population use two approaches, the aim and purpose of which ...
  • Nikolaienko Valerii; Vorobiov Mykhailo; Chopilko Taras (Sport Mont, 2021)
    The results of the research indicate the intensification of training and competitive loads in children's football and their negative impact on the body of young athletes. The complexity of young football players’ training ...
  • Nikolaienko V. V.; Vorobiov M. I. (Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2023)
    Training of sports reserve for professional football has always attracted much attention. This is evidenced by a significant number of studies devoted to this issue, within which experts in professional children's and youth ...
  • Krutsevich, Tatiana; Trachuk, Sergii; Ivanik, Oksana; Panhelova, Natalia; Brychuk, Mariia; Kedrych, Halyna (Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ, 2021-09-25)
    Quality of life (QL) is defined as the subjective perception of one’s own well-being in a socio-cultural context, the satisfaction of one’s desires and the achievement of an ideal level of well-being. Quality of life is ...
  • Andrieieva O.; Kashuba V.; Carp I.; Blystiv T.; Palchuk M.; Kovalova N.; Khrypko I. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    The paper presents the results of assessing the emotional state, mental activity, and the level of physical activity in 15-16 year-old boys and girls. The validity and significance of the obtained results and conclusions ...
  • Andrieieva, Olena; Kashuba, Vitalii; Carp, Ion; Blystiv, Taras; Palchuk, Mariia; Kovalova, Nataliia; Khrypko, Inna; Блистів, Тарас; Андрєєва, Олена; Кашуба, Віталій; Пальчук, Марія; Ковальова, Наталія; Хрипко, Інна (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    The paper presents the results of assessing the emotional state, mental activity, and the level of physical activity in 15-16 year-old boys and girls. The validity and significance of the obtained results and conclusions ...
  • Andrieieva, Olena; Blystiv, Taras; Byshevets, Nataliia; Moseychuk, Yuriy; Balatska, Larisa; Liasota, Tatiana; Brazhanyuk, Andriy; Bohdanyuk, Antonina (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2022-07-15)
    Introduction. Given the steady decline in physical activity among all categories of Ukrainian citizens, due to quarantine restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a threatening trend of declining levels of ...
  • Maltsev, Dmytro; Andrieieva, Olena; Kashuba, Vitalii; Yarmak, Olena; Dobrodub, Evgeniia; Grygus, Igor; Prusik, Krzysztof (Physical Education Theory and Methodology, 2022-08-23)
    The study was aimed at assessing the quality of active family leisure and identifying motivations for and interests in health-enhancing and recreational physical activity of parents and children. Materials and methods. The ...
  • Vitomsky, Volodymyr; Balazh, Mariia; Vitomska, Maryna; Martseniuk, Igor; Lazarieva, Olena (Sport Mont, 2021-09)
    Objective of the study was to assess the relationship between the indicators of therapeutic alliance and pulmonary function recovery in patients undergoing physical therapy after cardiac surgery (СS). 80 patients, who were ...
  • Ivaskevych Daryna; Fedorchuk Svitlana; Borysova Olha; Kohut Iryna; Marynych Victoriia; Petrushevskyi Yevhen; Ivaskevych Oleksandr; Tukaiev Sergii (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020)
    Competitive anxiety is an important factor in an athlete’s performance. It varies significantly in its strength and depends on gender, ethnicity, role, and training experience. Due to the importance of the hardiness and ...
  • Осинський Д. С.; Бубновська Л. М.; Ковельська А. В.; Меренцев С. (Онкология, 2014)
    Aim: to analyse the association between gastric cancer hypoxia level and results of patients treatment. Patients and methods: the specimens of primary gastric cancer were investigated. 150 naïve patients were enrolled ...
  • Кудря М. М.; Доценко Л. З.; Хоружева Л. Е.; Шепелюк В. Л. (НУФВСУ, 2016)
    Методичні вказівки призначені для здобувачів освітнього ступеня бакалавра зі спеціальності «Фізична культура і спорт», головною метою є навчання англійської мови на підставі лінгвокраїнознавчих матеріалів, тому головним ...
  • Vysochina Nadiia; Vorobiova Anastasiia (Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 2019)
    The paper aims to identify and systematise basic psychological factors which can influence athletes’ training and competitive activity. Material and methods. In order to achieve the aim of the study, we carried out an ...
  • Субботіна, Т. Б.; Субботіна Т. Б. (НУФВСУ, 2012)
    Навчальний посібник підготовлено на базі оригінальних текстів з біатлону і призначається для читання на заключному етапі вивчення англійської мови. Зміст текстів та вправи поглиблюють знання студентів з обраного ними фаху. ...
  • Bubnovskaya L.; Mikhailenko V.; Kovelskaya A.; Osinsky S. (Experimental Оncology, 2007)
    Aim: Тo evaluate the hypoxia level and some indices of Lewis lung carcinoma energy metabolism by means of 31Р NMR spectroscopy in perchloric acid (PCA) tissue extracts during growth of primary tumor and metastasis. Мaterials ...
  • Кашуба В.; Хмельницька І.; Крупеня С. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 2012)
  • Dorosh Ganna; Mova Liudmyla; Lukianenko Kateryna; Shestopal Lidiia; Dehtiar Daria; Hladka Liudmyla (International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Science, 2021)
    Sports ballroom dancing is a type of sports activity that makes serious demands on the development of new motor actions, the manifestation of reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, and many more ...
  • Хмельницька І. В.; Крупеня С. В. (Сучасні біомеханічні та інформаційні технології у фізичному вихованні і спорті, 2016)

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