Objective biomechanical indicators: assessing symmetry of knee joint angle changes in barbell squat exercise for athlete technical efficiency

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dc.contributor.author Ачерман Б.
dc.contributor.author Митько А. О.
dc.contributor.author Жигайлова Л. В.
dc.contributor.author Нагорна В. О.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-05-20T11:35:05Z
dc.date.available 2024-05-20T11:35:05Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.description Achermann B. Objective biomechanical indicators: assessing symmetry of knee joint angle changes in barbell squat exercise for athlete technical efficiency / B. Achermann, A. Mytko, L. Zhyhailova, V. Nagorna // Спорт та сучасне суспільство: зб. тез доповідей XVІІ Міжнар. студ. наук. конф., 07 травня 2024 р. - Київ, 2024. - С. 6-7. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The indicators of symmetry in angle changes within the knee joints during the execution of the barbell squat exercise serve as objective biomechanical metrics for assessing an athlete's technical proficiency. These indicators play a critical role in evaluating the athlete's movement patterns and biomechanical alignment during the squat exercise, offering valuable insights into their technical proficiency and areas for potential improvement. Through the analysis of knee joint angle symmetry, coaches and sports scientists can assess the quality of the athlete's movements, detect any asymmetries or imbalances, and customize training programs to optimize technical efficiency and mitigate injury risks. The primary goal of our research is to investigate the indicators of symmetry of the angle changes in the knee joints during the performance of the barbell squat exercise as a valid method for assessing the indicators of technique effectiveness. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Спорт та сучасне суспільство uk_UA
dc.subject objective biomechanical indicators uk_UA
dc.subject knee joint uk_UA
dc.subject barbell squat uk_UA
dc.subject athlete technical efficiency uk_UA
dc.title Objective biomechanical indicators: assessing symmetry of knee joint angle changes in barbell squat exercise for athlete technical efficiency uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://reposit.uni-sport.edu.ua/handle/787878787/5514

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