Effect of running classes on the stress level of combatants

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dc.contributor.author Крушинська Н. М.
dc.contributor.author Когут І. О.
dc.contributor.author Матвєєв С. Ф.
dc.contributor.author Ягелло М.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-04-09T12:31:10Z
dc.date.available 2024-04-09T12:31:10Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.udk https://reposit.uni-sport.edu.ua/handle/787878787/5304
dc.description Effect of running classes on the stress level of combatants / N. Krushynska, I. Kohut, S. Matveev, M. Jagiello // Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник. - 2022. - Vol. 26, № 3. - P. 83-87. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The full-scale war in Ukraine is having a significant psychological and physical impact on combatants. One of the negative consequences of war is combat stress, accompanied by the action of stress factors that negatively affect psychological and physical health, reducing the process of socialization to peaceful life. At the same time, there are not enough studies covering the solution of these issues with the help of adaptive physical culture (APC), which confirms the relevance of the chosen topic. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник uk_UA
dc.subject combat stress uk_UA
dc.subject post-traumatic uk_UA
dc.subject stress disorder uk_UA
dc.subject adaptive physical culture uk_UA
dc.subject sports of war veterans uk_UA
dc.subject socialization for civilian life uk_UA
dc.title Effect of running classes on the stress level of combatants uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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