The quality of the equilibrium function of billiards players

Показать сокращенную информацию Borysova Olha Nagorna Viktoriia Baic Mario Starcevic Nikola 2024-01-26T09:05:45Z 2024-01-26T09:05:45Z 2018-04-12
dc.description Borysova O. The quality of the equilibrium function of billiards players / О. Borysova, V. Nagorna, M. Baic, N. Starcevic // Молодь та олімпійський рух: зб. тез доповідей XI Міжнар. конф. молодих вчених, 10-12 квітня 2018 р. - К.: НУФВСУ, 2018. - С. 98-99. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The body of billiards players during a stroke must remain in the position of maximum sustainable equilibrium. This is achieved through the optimal height of placing the common center of the body mass over the support of sufficient greatness area, stability angles of the body in different planes of space. The growth of duration and magnitude of static-dynamic loads in the competitive activity of billiards players, necessitates the intensification of the athletes’ preparation process by means of special physical training.Coordination of motions, level of spatial and temporal exactness of motions, fineness of differentiation of muscular efforts, vestibular stability, speed of reactions, the level of developing physical flairs and possibilities of their realization are made the basis of elite athletes’ preparedness in such sport as billiards. There is an urgent need to determine the quality of the equilibrium function of the billiards players with different skill level. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Молодь та олімпійський рух uk_UA
dc.subject billiards players uk_UA
dc.subject kinetic stability uk_UA
dc.subject balance uk_UA
dc.subject feeling uk_UA
dc.subject stabilograms uk_UA
dc.subject quality of the equilibrium function uk_UA
dc.title The quality of the equilibrium function of billiards players uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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