Перегляд Навчально-науковий інститут здоров'я, реабілітації та фізичного виховання по назві

Перегляд Навчально-науковий інститут здоров'я, реабілітації та фізичного виховання по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Tukaiev Serhii; Dolgova Olena; Van Den Tol A.J.M.; Ruzhenkova Anastasiia; Lysenko Olena; Fedorchuk Svitlana; Ivaskevych Daryna; Shynkaruk Oksana; Denysova Lolita; Usychenko Vitaly; Iakovenko Olena; Byshevets Nataliia; Serhiyenko Kostyantyn; Voronova Valentina (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-02-29)
    Athletes engaged in high-risk sports (skydiving, hang-gliding, paragliding, microlighting, and rock climbing)will confront significantly higher levels of stress. The purpose of our study is to define the individual ...
  • Міщенко Віктор; Шинкарук Оксана; Suchanowski Andrzej; Лисенко Олена; Tomiak Tomasz; Дяченко Андрій; Korol Adam (Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 2010)
    The results indicate distinctive individual peculiarities of CRS response to the shifts of respiratory homeostasis in homogeneous groups of endurance athletes with respect to sensitivity and stability of responses to ...
  • Latyshev Sergey; Korobeynikov Georgiy; Korobeinikova Lesia (International Journal of Wrestling Science, 2014)
    Purpose of work: to develop a system for the individualization of the phased training for wrestlers. The system is directed to the formation, development and perfection of a wrestler’s own style for competition. The ...
  • Vdovenko N. V.; Maidanuyk E. V.; Ivanova A. M.; Hrobatenko A. V.; Вдовенко Н. В.; Майданюк О. В.; Іванова А. М.; Хробатенко А. В. (Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 2017)
    The carbohydrates gel “EnerGel. Endurance” course using influence for special workability was established. Material and methods: the incremental tests exercise for cycle sports athletes’ (n=14) before and after gel’s course ...
  • Dzevulska І. V.; Kovalchuk О. І.; Cherkasov E. V.; Majewskyi О. Ye.; Shevchuk Yu. G.; Pastukhova V. A.; Kyselova T. M. (Світ медицини та біології, 2018)
    When studying individual facial harmony, one must take into account both ethnic characteristics of morphometric indices and age and sexual differences inside of the ethnic group itself. However, there are no data on the ...
  • Hakman, A.; Kashuba, V.; Andrieieva, O.; Duditska, S.; Horiuk, P.; Khrypko, I.; Tomilina, Y.; Kljus, O.; Lukashiv, T. (Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2021)
    The aim of this study was to examine relationship between indicators of physical working capacity and levels of satisfaction and quality of life in older adults. Materials and methods. This study involved 221 elderly ...
  • Kalinkina, Oleksandra; Lazarieva, Olena; Kalinkin, Kostiantyn; Nikanorov, Oleksii; Kuropiatnyk, Viktor; Kovelska, Antonina; Yakymchuk, Oksana; Maistruk, Mykola (Sport Mont, 2021-09)
    The use of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), namely relaxation techniques, rhythmic initiation,a combination of isotonics, stabilizing and dynamic reversing, rhythmic stabilization and motor patterns, allows ...
  • Vynohradov, Valeriy; Lopatenko, Heorhii; Biletska, Viktoriia; Trachuk, Sergii; Semenenko, Viacheslav; Kudria, Mykola; Shemchuk, Vadym; Napadij, Andrij (Journal of Human Sport & Exercise, 2020)
    Sprint results are more often seen as deliberate practice model (DPM) effects. The performance is limited, as the goal is the same for every competition – to run as fast as possible. This requires a specific skill. The ...
  • Fedorenko, Sergii; Vitomskyi, Volodymyr; Lazarieva, Olena; Kashuba, Vitaliy; Andrieieva, Olena; Vitomska, Maryna; Potop, Vladimir; Lytvynenko, Yurii (Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 2020)
    To determine the level of physical therapy satisfaction among outpatients with orthopedic profile disorders, based on the type of attitude to the disease, and the possibilities of its improvement. Material: The study ...
  • Fedorenko, Sergii; Vitomskyi, Volodymyr; Lazarieva, Olena; Kashuba, Vitaliy; Andrieieva, Olena; Vitomska, Maryna; Potop, Vladimir; Lytvynenko, Yurii (Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 2020)
    Purpose: To determine the level of physical therapy satisfaction among outpatients with orthopedic profile disorders, based on the type of attitude to the disease, and the possibilities of its improvement. Material: The ...
  • Korobeynikov G.V.; Korobeinikova L.; Mytskan B.; Chernozub A.; Cynarski W. (Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 2017)
    Purpose. The problem of visual perception and information processing is very real for both sport and professional activities. The performance of motor activity mostly occurs where there are time pressures and an increase ...
  • Заплатинський Василь; Waldemar Gajda (MEST Journal, 2017)
    The article is devoted to the capabilities of innovative activities in crisis management and analyzes the terms of “crisis management”, “risk management”, “anticrisis administration”, “anticrisis management”. The differences ...
  • Харченко Лариса; Денисова Лоліта (2012)
    In this article are examined the questions of improving and control of the teaching quality by implementation of the complex integrated testing for the fourth-year students of the National University of Physical Education ...
  • Kharchenko Larysa; Denisova Lolita; Харченко Лариса; Денисова Лолита (Молодіжний науковий вісник Східноєвропейського нац. ун-ту ім. Л. Українки, 2012)
    In this article are examined the questions of improving and control of the teaching quality by implementation of the complex integrated testing for the fourth-year students of the National University of Physical Education ...
  • Pangelova N.; Пангелова Н.; Krutsevych T.; Круцевич Т. (Гуманітарний вісник ДВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди", 2016)
    У статті визначена специфіка основних здоров'язбережувальних технологій та особливості їх реалізації у вищому навчальному закладі.
  • Trachuk Sergii; Semenenko Viacheslav; Biletska Viktoriia; Kudria Mykola; Kuznetsova Larysa; Kholodova Olha; Mykhalchuk Andrii; Трачук С. В.; Семененко В. П.; Білецька В.; Кудря М.; Кузнєцова Л. І.; Холодова О. С.; Михальчук А. (2019-12-31)
    Метою роботи є вивчення фізичної підготовленості та функціонального стану дітей 7-10-річного віку. Для вирішення поставлених завдань використовувались такі методи: антропометрія, стандартний метод, тонометрія, динамометрія, ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Ulan Alina; Bondar Anna; Iakovenko Olena; Stroganov Serhii; Pavlenko Iurii; Goncharenko Ievgen; Krasnianskiy Kyrylo (Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ, 2020-06)
    Research purpose: To study the features of left-handed and right-handed fencers’ competitive activity, to justify the tendency of increasing the representation of left-handed fencers in the international sports arena and ...
  • Yukhymenko L.; Makarchuk M.; Ieremenko N.; Korobeynikova L.; Korobeynikov G.; Borysova O.; Potop V.; Gorashchenco A. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Purpose: study the systemic interaction of the brain and the heart during the information processing in athletes with different individual and typological properties of the higher parts of the central nervous system. ...
  • Khomenko I.M.; Ivakhno O. P.; Pershehuba Y. V.; Kozyarin I. P.; Koshova S.P. (Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021)
    The aim: Scientific justification of the public health management methods and instruments for improvement of its effectiveness. Materials and methods: The authors conducted a complex research of the public health of Ukraine ...
  • Kashuba Vitaliy; Andrieieva Olena; Yarmolinsky Leonid; Karp Ion; Kyrychenko Victoria; Goncharenko Yevgeniy; Rychok Tatiana; Nosova Natalia (Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 2020-02-29)
    Дослідження було спрямоване на оцінку ефективності заходів щодо запобігання постуральним розладам юних футболістів на початкових етапах спортивної підготовки. У цьому дослідженні були використані такі методи: педагогічний ...