Post-Covid-19 World Philosophy of Functioning: New Globalisation Challenges

Показать сокращенную информацию Krasivskiyy O. Maziy N. Krasivsky D. Kotygorenko V. Zhukova H. 2021-09-16T09:14:38Z 2021-09-16T09:14:38Z 2021
dc.description Krasivskyy, O. Post-Covid-19 World Philosophy of Functioning: New Globalisation Challenges / Orest Krasivskyy, Natalya Maziy, Denis Krasivsky, Viktor Kotygorenko, Halyna Zhukova // Wisdom. ─ 2021. ─ № 2(18). ─ P. 58-66. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The primary purpose of the study is to characterise the philosophy of functioning of the world. The ar ticle used general scientific methods, general logical methods of theoretical analysis and specific scientific methods (technical analysis, specification, interpretation, etc.). As a result of the study, the philosophical and social essence of the crisis and pandemic was characterised. It was examined how the crisis and pan demic are affecting the functioning of the suspension and its worldview philosophy and how the crisis and pandemic affect the functioning of the suspension and its philosophy of worldview. The philosophical and social aspect of the pandemic in modern conditions of development and what new globalisation challenges it entails has been investigated. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Wisdom uk_UA
dc.subject philosophy uk_UA
dc.subject COVID-19 uk_UA
dc.subject globalisation uk_UA
dc.subject post-covid uk_UA
dc.subject philosophy of functioning uk_UA
dc.title Post-Covid-19 World Philosophy of Functioning: New Globalisation Challenges uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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