Перегляд по темі "biomechanical analysis"

Перегляд по темі "biomechanical analysis"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Dorosh Ganna; Mova Liudmyla; Lukianenko Kateryna; Shestopal Lidiia; Dehtiar Daria; Hladka Liudmyla (International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Science, 2021)
    Sports ballroom dancing is a type of sports activity that makes serious demands on the development of new motor actions, the manifestation of reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, and many more ...
  • Митько А. О.; Жигайлова Л. В.; Петренко Г. В.; Нагорна В. О. (Молодь та олімпійський рух, 2024)
    OpenCap represents a significant advancement in biomechanical analysis, offering accurate and comprehensive data for performance evaluation, injury prevention, and training optimization in elite sports. Its integration ...