Просмотр по автору "Nikolaienko Valerii"

Просмотр по автору "Nikolaienko Valerii"

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  • Nikolaienko Valerii; Vorobiov Mykhailo; Chopilko Taras (Sport Mont, 2021)
    The results of the research indicate the intensification of training and competitive loads in children's football and their negative impact on the body of young athletes. The complexity of young football players’ training ...
  • Nikolaienko Valerii; Osiptsov Andrey; Dub Igor (Науковий часопис НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2021)
    In the 1980s, experts from different countries with developed football, realizing that "street" football is a thing of the past, came to the conclusion that it is necessary to revise the system of training young talents ...
  • Nikolaienko Valerii; Maksymchuk Borys (Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională, 2021)
    At the present level of football development, the requirements for athletic skills are increasing. Given a fierce competition in the international and national sports arena as never before, it is important to mobilize ...
  • Nikolaienko Valerii; Prots Roman; Romanenko Viktor; Halaidiuk Mykola; Osiptsov Andrey; Dub Ihor; Maksymchuk Borys; Maksymchuk Iryna (Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2022)
    A scientific understanding of building a rational system of long-term training for footballers in Ukraine, as well as ways of its practical implementation, should rely on foreign experience in this field to be effective. ...
  • Nikolaienko Valerii; Chopilko Taras (Promising areas for the development of physical culture, sports, fitness and recreation, 2023)
    Сучасний рівень професійного футболу настільки високий, що вирішення основного завдання підготовки кваліфікованого спортивного резерву вимагає дедалі більшої спеціалізованої адаптації юного спортсмена та залишає мало ...