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  • Dutchak Myroslav; Shynkaruk Oksana; Lavrenchuk Marina (Физическое воспитание, спорт и культура здоровья в современном обществе) = Physical education, sports and health culture in modern societ, 2019-05)
    Актуальність. Уключення гольфу до олімпійських видів спорту, а також процес його глобалізації, комерціалізації та професіоналізації зумовлюють перспективи розвитку цього виду спорту в рамках національного й міжнародного ...
  • Korobeinikova I.; Korobeynikov G.; Kokun O.; Raab M.; Korobeinikova L.; Syvash I. (Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 2023)
    Background and Study Aim. To study psychological features of sports coaches and physical education teachers’ professional hardiness. Material and methods. The study involved 60 participants. Among them, 24 were coaches of ...
  • Andrieieva O.; Hakman A. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018)
    The aim of the study was to investigate the dynamics of health status and morbidity of children aged 11-14 years during school year. In this study, the following methods were used: methods for assessing somatic health, ...
  • Salmanov A. G.; Baksheev S.M.; Kuflovskyi D. V.; Manzhula L. V.; Voloshyn O.A.; Korniyenko S. M.; Tsyhanenko O. I. (Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2021)
    The aim: To determine trend of legal induced surgical abortion and to assess the frequency of infection complications after termination of pregnancy in Ukraine. Materials and methods: We conducted a prospective multicentre ...
  • Andrieieva, O.; Blagii, O.; Levinskaia, K. (European Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018)
    The most significant risk factors for CVD were identified, which include neuro­emotional overload, bad habits (smoking and inappropriate nutrition), arterial hypertension, overweight, and low physical activity. The ...
  • Apykhtin, K.; Drozdovska, S.; Gurenko, O.; Panchenko, Yu.; Andreeva, O.; Nahorna, A.; Pisaruk, A. (Ageing and Longevity, 2023-08-06)
    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is characterized by disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which can lead to the development of cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN). Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is used to assess the ...
  • Kostiukevych Viktor; Shchepotina Natalia; Zhovnych Olesia; Shynkaruk Oksana; Koliadych Yulia; Hatsoieva Liliia; Voronova Valentina; Vozniuk Tetiana; Kaplinskyi Vasyl; Diachenko Anna; Chernyshenko Tamara; Konnova Maiia (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-02-29)
    The article presents the methodical approach to organizing of highly qualified grass hockey sportswomen’s adaptation to training intensity in the macrocycle preparation. Material and methods. 19 highly qualified grass ...
  • Ivachenko, Sergey; Trachuk, Sergey; Іващенко С. Н.; Трачук С. В. (Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 2018-04-19)
    Основное внимание в статье уделено вопросу влияния общепризнанных мер профилактической медицины на процесс физического воспитания различных категорий населения в историческом аспекте. При этом такие условия обеспечивают ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Borysova Olha; Yakovenko Elena; Kostiukevych Viktor; Yukhno Yuriy; Nagorna Viktoriia; Artur Mytko (Історія фізичної культури і спорту народів Європи, 2019)
    Esports is the fastest growing sport discipline in the world. The beginning of its history is considered to be 1997 when Cyberathlete Professional League was created, which in those years held tournaments on Quake. And, ...
  • Khmelnytska Y.; Kropta R.; Hruzevych I.; Kormiltsev V.; Yefanova V.; Smirnova Z.; Tron R.; Hudzevych L. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-01)
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the homologous characteristics of the Olympic ski tracks as the basis for the requirements for the technical, tactical and functional preparation process of the ski athletes.There ...
  • Бабушко С. Р. (2016)
    Навчальний посібник націлено на навчання іншомовній комунікації англійською мовою у сфері туристичної галузі. Посібник призначено для студентів спеціальності 242 «Туризм», які мають намір розвинути мовні навички практичного ...
  • Babushko, S.; Solovei, M.; Solovei, L. (2022)
    The article is devoted to an important problem of international students’ adaptation in host countries. They face a lot of cross-cultural adaptation problems, especially in their first year of study. The problem ...
  • Babushko, S.; Mankovska, R.; Solovei, M.; Solovei, L. (Краєзнавство, 2022)
    Local history museums play an important role in modern society. The purpose of the article is to investigate how local history museums in Ukraine perform their mission of humanitarian development of local communities. The ...
  • Hozak S. V.; Stankevych T. V.; Yelizarova O. T.; Parats A. N. (Medical science of Ukraine / Медична наука України, 2021)
    Relevance. The introduction of the quarantine measures in Ukraine during COVID-19 pandemic radically changed all aspects of children’s lifestyle. Restricting of social contacts and travelling, introduction of distance ...
  • Osinsky S.; Ganusevich I.; Bubnovskaya L.; Valkovskaya N.; Kovelskaya A.; Sergienko T.; Zimina S. (Experimental Оncology, 2005)
    To investigate the relationship between tumor hypoxia in vivo, activiti of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and metastatic potential of tumor.
  • Kovelskaya A. (Ковельська А.); Bubnovskaya L. (Бубновська Л.); Ganusevich I. (Ганушевич І.); Osinsky S. (Осінський С.); Gumenyuk L. (Гуменюк Л.); Merentsev S. (Меренцев С.); Olijnichenko G. (Clinical Translational Oncology, 2011)
    Introduction: Hypoxia is a key feature of the microenvironment of cancer cells actively participating in tumour progression. Our study was aimed to evaluate the impact of hypoxia and hypoxia-associated factors on tumour ...
  • Osinsky S.; Bubnovskaya L.; Ganusevich I.; Kovelskaya A.; Yurchenko O.; Gumenyuk L.; Chorny A. (Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2004)
    To evaluate the interrelationship between hypoxia level, expression of HRPs and activity of MMPs in tumor tissue and assess the impact of these parameters on malignant progression.
  • Булатова М. М.; Єрмолова В. М; Радченко Л. О.; Борисенко В. С.; Рудковська В. С.; Лопатенко Г. О.; Щербашин Я. С. (Національний олімпійський комітет України, 2014)
    У посібнику розкрито особливості підготовки і проведення II Юнацьких Олімпійських ігор. Посібник знайомить із символами, церемоніями та організацією ігор, видами спорту, що увійшли до олімпійської програми; календарем ...
  • Kashuba, Vitalii; Andrieieva, Olena; Hakman, Anna; Grygus, Igor; Smoleńska, Olga; Ostrowska, Małgorzata; Napierała, Marek; Hagner-Derengowska, Magdalena; Muszkieta, Radosław; Zukow, Walery (Теорія та методика фізичного виховання, 2021)
    The physical benefits of fitness for middle-aged women are well-known. Unlike the usual training sessions, aquafitness occupies a special place among the types of health-related exercise training. Its health-enhancing ...
  • Krushynska Nataliia; Kohut Iryna; Goncharenko Ievgen (SlobozhanSkyi herald of Science and Sport, 2023)
    The anti-terrorist operation, the operation of the joint forces, and the full-scale war in Ukraine have a significant physical and psychological impact on the participants of the hostilities. One of the negative consequences ...

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