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Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Tymošenko Jurij (European philosophical and historical discourse, 2019)
    Předmětem výzkumu je činnost ukrajinských nevládních organizací v meziválečném období, zejména sokolské hnutí mimo Ukrajinu. Bylo zjištěno, že ukrajinske sokolské hnutí mimo svou vlasti začíná svou historii od roku 1922 ...
  • Yarmak, Olena; Galan, Yaroslav; Hakman, Anna; Dotsyuk, Lidiia; Blagii, Oleksandra; Teslitskyi, Yuri (Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 2017)
    The article studies the most popular means of health improving fitness among the female students of the I-II year of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. 48 female students of the I-II year, aged 17-19 years with ...
  • Roy Irina; Rusanov Andrey; Rusanova Olga; Kravchuk Lyudmila; Lazareva Helena; Zharova Irina (JPES, 2019-07)
    Purpose:The article covers the issues of grounding, elaborating and studying the effectiveness of the physical rehabilitation complex program among patients undergoing the reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament ...
  • Denysova Lolita; Byshevets Nataliia; Shynkaruk Oksana; Imas Yevgeniy; Suschenko Lyudmyla; Bazylchuk Oleg; Oleshko Tetiana; Syvash Iryna; Tretiak Olena (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-02-29)
    Theoretical aspects of design and development of information and educational environment in the system of training of masters in physical culture and sport. The purpose of the article is specification of the notions and ...
  • Бабушко С. Р. (2017)
    Навчальний посібник є четвертою частиною практичного курсу з англійської мови професійного спрямування у Національному університеті фізичного виховання і спорту України. Посібник націлено на навчання професійно-орієнтованій ...
  • Бабушко С. Р. (КП «ЗВПП», 2017)
    Навчальний посібник є четвертою частиною практичного курсу з англійської мови професійного спрямування у Національному університеті фізичного виховання і спорту України. Посібник націлено на навчання професійно-орієнтованій ...
  • Бишевець Наталія (Інформаційні технології в освіті, 2016)
    The review of both scientific, methodological and specialized resources on the issue of increasing the level of students’ mathematical education at the engineering faculties was made. The experience of implementing ...
  • Babushko Svitlana; Бабушко Світлана (Topical Issues of Future Teachers Training in Ukraine, 2014)
    The article illustrates some approaches to the TOT (training of trainers) for adults employed in tourism industry. The major terms of the research were analyzed. In addition, there were identified and described the variety ...
  • Mikhailyuk Irene; Sergiyenko Kostyantyn (2013)
    Technique training occupies a leading position in all phases of long-term training of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics. Correct performance of the over actions are the most important and crucial part in the technique of ...
  • Kostiukevych V.; Shchepotina N.; Shynkaruk O.; Kulchytska I.; Borysova O.; Vozniuk T.; Yakovliv V.; Denysova L.; Konnova M.; Khurtenko O.; Perepelytsia O.; Polishchuk V.; Shevchyk L. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Herein the results of the experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of the training process modeling of the qualified volleyball women players in the preparatory period of the first macrocycle during two-cycle ...
  • Antonenko, I; Opanasiuk, N; Melnyk, I; Rekun, N (2022-08)
    Досліджується трансформація менеджменту круїзного туризму в Україні, особливості його розвитку на певному історичному етапі, що дозволяє оцінити внутрішній потенціал круїзного туризму, проблеми та перспективи його розбудови ...
  • Babushko, S.; Halytska, M.; Rekun, N. (Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика : збірник наукових праць, 2021)
    The article aims at revealing the contribution of 19th century Ukrainian pedagogues to the development of pedagogy as a science. The most prominent cultural figures of that time and their pedagogical legacy were under the ...
  • Zhukova G.; Bulgakova T.; Жукова Г.; Булгакова Т. (Philosophy and Cosmology : The Academic Journal, 2019-10)
    In the article, the authors reviewed the main functions of the university planetariums and observatories in higher education. When considering higher education in Plato’s tradition, the authors found that in addition to ...
  • Babushko Svitlana; Бабушко Світлана (Humanities and Social Science. Science and Education: a New Dimension, 2013)
    The study aims at proving the importance of training for hospitality workforce. The concept “training” has been analyzed in the paper. It also shows the correlation between the upgrading of the skills and the level of the ...
  • Butenko Halyna; Goncharova Nataliia; Saienko Volodymyr; Tolchieva Hanna (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017-02-15)
    The article is devoted to explanation and elaboration of recreation and health-improving technology embracing health tourism means for the cohort of primary school age children after the school hours aimed at improvement ...
  • Byshevets N.; Denysova L.; Shynkaruk O.; Serhiyenko K.; Usychenko V.; Stepanenko O.; Syvash I. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Sport and pedagogical researches provide for statistical analysis of observation results. More stringent conditions are put forward to the training of future masters in physical education and sport, including the ability ...
  • Бишевець Наталія; Денисова Лоліта; Шинкарук Оксана; Сергієнко Костянтин; Усиченко В. В.; Степаненко Ольга; Сиваш Ірина (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Article contains examples of use an F-test for analysis of sports and pedagogical data. Conclusions. Analysis of experimental results in the field of physical culture and sport have to computerize using MS Excel. Sport ...
  • Byshevets Nataliia; Denysova Lolita; Shynkaruk Oksana; Serhiyenko Konstantin; Usychenko Vitaly; Stepanenko Olha; Syvash Iryna (2019-05-31)
    and pedagogical researches provide for statistical analysis of observation results. More stringent conditions are put forward to the training of future masters in physical education and sport, including the ability to ...
  • Byshevets Nataliia; Denysova Lolita; Shynkaruk Oksana; Serhiyenko Kostyantyn; Usychenko Vitaly; Stepanenko Olha; Syvash Iryna (2019-05-31)
    Sport and pedagogical researches provide for statistical analysis of observation results. More stringent conditions are put forward to the training of future masters in physical education and sport, including the ability ...
  • Byshevets Nataliia; Denysova Lolita; Shynkatuk Oksana; Serhiyenko Konstantin; Ussychenko Vitely; Stepanenko Olha; Syvash Iryna (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Sport and pedagogical researches provide for statistical analysis of observation results. More stringent conditions are put forward to the training of future masters in physical education and sport, including the ability ...