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Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Chernenko Nаtalia; Lyzohub Vladimir; Korobeynikov Georgiy; Potop Vladimir; Syvash Irina; Korobeynikovа Lesia; Korobeynikovа Ivanna; Mishenko Viktoria; Kostuchenko Vasyl (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-03)
    Purpose: was to clarify the role of individual-typological characteristics of the central nervous system for achieving of high results in the Greco-Roman wrestling. Material: The 2 groups of Greco-Roman wrestling ...
  • Andrieieva Olena; Maltsev Dmytro; Kashuba Vitalii; Dutchak Myroslav; Ratnikov Dmytro; Grygus Igor; Byshevets Natalia; Horodinska Inna (Physical Education Theory and Methodolog, 2022-12-23)
    An assessment of parental physical activity showed that 62.3% of the respondents had a low level of physical activity and 37.7% had a moderate level, whereas no individuals with a high level of physical activity were found. ...
  • Andrieieva, Olena; Maltsev, Dmytro; Kashuba, Vitalii; Dutchak, Myroslav; Ratnikov, Dmytro; Grygus, Igor; Byshevets, Natalia; Horodinska, Inna (Physical Education Theory and Methodology, 2022-12-23)
    Study purpose. The objective of the study was to assess the relationship between quality of life and physical activity level and family well-being. Materials and Methods. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire ...
  • Kovelskaya Antonina; Gorenko Zoya; Ocheretko Boris; Ковельськая Антонина; Горенко Зоя; Очеретько Борис (Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 2018)
    Purpose: to investigate the nature of changes in the indicators of oxygen-containing blood elements in amateur athletes with different duration of systematic triathlon training. Material & Methods: peripheral blood taken ...
  • Korobeynikov G.V.; Korobeynikova L.G.; Romanyuk L.V.; Dakal N. A.; Danko G. V. (Medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2017)
    The aim of the work is to study the connection of psychophysiological characteristics with different levels of motivation for attaining high qualification in judo athletes. It is established that the high level of motivation ...
  • Korobeynikov G.; Korobeynikova L.; Bulatova M.; Mishko V.; Cretu M. F.; Yarmak O.; Khmelnitska I.; Kudria M. (JPES, 2020)
    Purpose:tostudy the relationship between the success of choreographic skills forming in young athletes with psychophysiological characteristics. Material: The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of the ...
  • Lisenchuk Gennadii; Leleka Vitalii; Bogatyrev Konstantin; Adamenko Oksana; Bairachny Oleg; Balan Bogdan (Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 2021-12)
    Modern changes in football complicated the goalkeepers’ role. It is impossible to improve the technical & tactical preparedness of young skilled goalkeepers without finding new approaches in the organization of their ...
  • Галицька Майя (Неперервна професійна освіта: теорія і практика, 2014)
    The article deals with the relationship of the concepts of «culture» and «education». The author analyzes the views of local and foreign scientists who researched this issue. The author considers cultural approach as a ...
  • Петровська Т. В.; Куліш Н.; Костюкевич В. М.; Решетілова Н. (Sport Mont 19 (2021) S2, 2021-09)
    Високі психічні навантаження у спорті потребують пошуку психологічних ресурсів спортсменів. Необхідність адаптуватися до високих навантажень та постійної конкуренції водночас з досягненням високих результатів формує у ...
  • Petrovska, Tetiana; Kulis, Nataliia; Kostiukevyc, Viktor; Sluhensk, Ruslana; Reshetilova, Nataliia; Yerokhova, Alyona (Sport Mont, 2021-09)
    Emotional intelligence (EI) is an important part of the psychology of an athlete and must be considered when a training programme is being devised. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of physical activity ...
  • Петровська Т. В.; Сова В.; Хмельницька І. В.; Борисова О. В.; Імас Є. В.; Малиновський А. І.; Терещенко Л. А. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-01-20)
    Abstract: Problem Statement. Professionally important qualities of a sports coach are one of the factors and a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the athlete's competitive activity. The research problem of the ...
  • Petrovska, T.; Sova, V.; Khmelnitska, I.; Borysova, O.; Imas, Y.; Malinovskyi, A.; Tereschenko, L. (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020)
    В опитуванні прийняли участь 22 тренера з футболу та 119 спортсменів футболістів, гравців провідних клубів України та національних збірних України. Для математичної обробки результатів дослідження застосовано програмне ...
  • Korobeynikov Georgiy; Potop Vladimir; Korobeynikova Lesia; Kolumbet Alexander; Khmelnitska Irene; Shtanagey Dmitry; Mischenko Victoria; Aksutin Viktor; Goletc Aleksandr (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    Purpose: to determine the features of the hand motionspeed characteristics of female boxers with different types of functional asymmetry during dynamic work performing. Material and methods Participants:50 highly qualified ...
  • Spesyvykh Olena; Lopatenko Georgii; Polianychko Olena; Vorobiova Anastasiia; Lytvynchuk Lesia; Salnykova Svitlana (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019)
    To determine the asymmetry coefficient of qualified dancers. Materials:The study involved 84 dancers of various qualifications of18-35 years of age, who were divided into 2 groups for identifying individual features: 1) ...
  • Vitomskyi V. (Вітомський В.); Lazarieva O. (Лазарєва О.); Ra’ad Abdul Hadi Mohammad Alalwan (Раад Абдул Мохаммад Алалван); Vitomska M. (Вітомська М.) (Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2017)
    Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of restoration of the amplitude of motion in the ankle joint, the quality of life and to assess the effects of the breakdown of the Achilles tendon. Material: patients (n=59, of which ...
  • Вітомський В. В.; Лазарєва О. Б.; Раад Абдул Хаді Мохаммад Альальван; Вітомська М. В. (Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2017)
    Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of restoration of the amplitude of motion in the ankle joint, the quality of life and to assess the effects of the breakdown of the Achilles tendon. Material: patients (n=59, of which ...
  • Sabadosh Mariana; Lazarieva Olena; Zharova Irina; Grygus Igor; Vitomska Maryna; Kovelska Antonina; Martseniuk Igor; Ostrowska Małgorzata; Napierała Marek; Hagner-Derengowska Magdalena; Kałużny Krystian; Radosław Muszkieta; Walery Zukow; Smoleńska Olga (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2021)
    Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate the peculiarities of the impact of two rehabilitation programs on physicalhealth and quality of life indicators, as well as comparison of their effectiveness in the main ...
  • Kalmykova, Yuliya.; Kalmykov, Sergey.; Bismak, Helen.; Beziazychna, Olha.; Okun, Daria. (Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2021)
    Purpose: to investigate and determine anthropometric indicators (length and body weight, abdominal circumference, skin fold thickness, calculate body mass index and percentage of adipose tissue) of examined patients with ...
  • Shynkaruk Oksana; Borysenko Volodymyr; Byshevets Nataliia; Goncharova Natalia; Stepanenko Olha; Rodionenko Mykhaylo; Plyeshakova Olena (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2022)
    There are a lot countries which use measures to prevent spread of coronavivus infection COVID 19 coused by SARS-CoV-2. But despite of this pandemic continues. Particularities of sports activities include systematic contact ...
  • Byshevets N.; Kashuba V.; Levandovska L.; Grygus I.; Bychuk I.; Berezhansky O.; Savliuk S. (Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe, 2022-12-06)
    Celem pracy było zbadanie czynników ryzyka zaburzeń postawy u e-sportowców i studentów studiów magisterskich kultury fizycznej i sportu. W badaniach wzięło udział 37 sportowców i studentów. Badania wykazały, że 32,4% z ...