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Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Babushko, S.; Solovei, M.; Solovei, L. (2022)
    The article is devoted to an important problem of international students’ adaptation in host countries. They face a lot of cross-cultural adaptation problems, especially in their first year of study. The problem ...
  • Babushko, S.; Mankovska, R.; Solovei, M.; Solovei, L. (Краєзнавство, 2022)
    Local history museums play an important role in modern society. The purpose of the article is to investigate how local history museums in Ukraine perform their mission of humanitarian development of local communities. The ...
  • Hozak S. V.; Stankevych T. V.; Yelizarova O. T.; Parats A. N. (Medical science of Ukraine / Медична наука України, 2021)
    Relevance. The introduction of the quarantine measures in Ukraine during COVID-19 pandemic radically changed all aspects of children’s lifestyle. Restricting of social contacts and travelling, introduction of distance ...
  • Osinsky S.; Ganusevich I.; Bubnovskaya L.; Valkovskaya N.; Kovelskaya A.; Sergienko T.; Zimina S. (Experimental Оncology, 2005)
    To investigate the relationship between tumor hypoxia in vivo, activiti of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and metastatic potential of tumor.
  • Kovelskaya A. (Ковельська А.); Bubnovskaya L. (Бубновська Л.); Ganusevich I. (Ганушевич І.); Osinsky S. (Осінський С.); Gumenyuk L. (Гуменюк Л.); Merentsev S. (Меренцев С.); Olijnichenko G. (Clinical Translational Oncology, 2011)
    Introduction: Hypoxia is a key feature of the microenvironment of cancer cells actively participating in tumour progression. Our study was aimed to evaluate the impact of hypoxia and hypoxia-associated factors on tumour ...
  • Osinsky S.; Bubnovskaya L.; Ganusevich I.; Kovelskaya A.; Yurchenko O.; Gumenyuk L.; Chorny A. (Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2004)
    To evaluate the interrelationship between hypoxia level, expression of HRPs and activity of MMPs in tumor tissue and assess the impact of these parameters on malignant progression.
  • Булатова М. М.; Єрмолова В. М; Радченко Л. О.; Борисенко В. С.; Рудковська В. С.; Лопатенко Г. О.; Щербашин Я. С. (Національний олімпійський комітет України, 2014)
    У посібнику розкрито особливості підготовки і проведення II Юнацьких Олімпійських ігор. Посібник знайомить із символами, церемоніями та організацією ігор, видами спорту, що увійшли до олімпійської програми; календарем ...
  • Kashuba, Vitalii; Andrieieva, Olena; Hakman, Anna; Grygus, Igor; Smoleńska, Olga; Ostrowska, Małgorzata; Napierała, Marek; Hagner-Derengowska, Magdalena; Muszkieta, Radosław; Zukow, Walery (Теорія та методика фізичного виховання, 2021)
    The physical benefits of fitness for middle-aged women are well-known. Unlike the usual training sessions, aquafitness occupies a special place among the types of health-related exercise training. Its health-enhancing ...
  • Krushynska Nataliia; Kohut Iryna; Goncharenko Ievgen (SlobozhanSkyi herald of Science and Sport, 2023)
    The anti-terrorist operation, the operation of the joint forces, and the full-scale war in Ukraine have a significant physical and psychological impact on the participants of the hostilities. One of the negative consequences ...
  • Kashuba V.; Tomilina Y.; Byshevets N.; Khrypko I.; Stepanenko O.; Grygus I.; Smolenska O.; Savliuk S. (Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ, 2020)
    Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the dynamics of pain intensity in different parts of the spine in women of the first mature age under the influence of pilates. Materials and methods. 64 women took part ...
  • Krupenya S.; Khmelnitska I. (17th International Scientific Congress: Olympic Sport and Sport for All, 2013)
  • Gamali Volodymyr; Potop Vladimir; Bondar Anna; Salnykova Svitlana; Shynkaruk Oksana; Ulan Alina (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-06-30)
    The article is devoted to solving the problems of improving the motor structure of the technique of rowing qualified female athletes in women’s single skulls boats in the yearly circle at the stage of specialized basic ...
  • Opanasiuk Nataliia (Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Accounting, Auditing, Analysis and Taxation in Ukraine: Current State and Development Prospects, 2016-12-14)
    The article deals with the problems of taxation of services in tourism tourism with value added tax. The relevant norms of the Tax Code of Ukraine, as well as the practice of the European Union on this issue, are analyzed. ...
  • Opanasiuk N.; Опанасюк Н. А. (Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Accounting, Auditing, Analysis and Taxation in Ukraine: Current State and Development Prospects, 2016-12-14)
    Розглянуто особливості оподаткування туристичних послуг і туристичного продукту податком на додану вартість, проаналізовано зарубіжну практику оподаткування туристичної діяльності. Визначено специфіку оподаткування туристичних ...
  • Kуslenko Dmytro; Yukhno Yurii; Zhukevych Iryna; Bondarenko Valentin; Radzievskii Rostislav (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018-07-31)
    The system of non-specialized high-intensity CrossFit training positively affects the level of physical fitness of the students, strengthens their motivation to physical education and sports activities, and promotes the ...
  • Borysova O.; Nagorna V.; Mytko A.; Oberhofer K.; Achermann B.; Lorenzetti S. (Quality of Life in Interdisciplinary Approach, 2022-10-26)
    The method of expert evaluations (n=160) made it possible to determine the main problem of today’s elite women’s sports, namely: the use of male models of special physical training in the training process for female athletes. ...
  • Tukaiev Serhii; Dolgova Olena; Van Den Tol A.J.M.; Ruzhenkova Anastasiia; Lysenko Olena; Fedorchuk Svitlana; Ivaskevych Daryna; Shynkaruk Oksana; Denysova Lolita; Usychenko Vitaly; Iakovenko Olena; Byshevets Nataliia; Serhiyenko Kostyantyn; Voronova Valentina (Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-02-29)
    Athletes engaged in high-risk sports (skydiving, hang-gliding, paragliding, microlighting, and rock climbing)will confront significantly higher levels of stress. The purpose of our study is to define the individual ...
  • Міщенко Віктор; Шинкарук Оксана; Suchanowski Andrzej; Лисенко Олена; Tomiak Tomasz; Дяченко Андрій; Korol Adam (Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 2010)
    The results indicate distinctive individual peculiarities of CRS response to the shifts of respiratory homeostasis in homogeneous groups of endurance athletes with respect to sensitivity and stability of responses to ...
  • Latyshev Sergey; Korobeynikov Georgiy; Korobeinikova Lesia (International Journal of Wrestling Science, 2014)
    Purpose of work: to develop a system for the individualization of the phased training for wrestlers. The system is directed to the formation, development and perfection of a wrestler’s own style for competition. The ...
  • Vdovenko N. V.; Maidanuyk E. V.; Ivanova A. M.; Hrobatenko A. V.; Вдовенко Н. В.; Майданюк О. В.; Іванова А. М.; Хробатенко А. В. (Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 2017)
    The carbohydrates gel “EnerGel. Endurance” course using influence for special workability was established. Material and methods: the incremental tests exercise for cycle sports athletes’ (n=14) before and after gel’s course ...